Many families would like their children to have an Ampleforth education but, for some, this is beyond their financial means so bursaries are in demand.
Closing dates for bursary applications for September 2024 entry:
Years 9 to 12 - Tuesday 5 November 2024
Years 7 and 8 - Tuesday 31 December 2024
- All bursary applications have to show that financial assistance with the payment of fees is needed.
- Each year the need of applicants exceeds the funds we have for bursaries. It is therefore expected that all applicants will have also made every effort to find support from Educational Trust Funds (contacts are given below).
- In attempting to reach fair and just decisions, we keep in mind the charitable aims of Ampleforth and make judgements about those who will most benefit and flourish within the school community.
- Hard - and sometimes heartbreaking - decisions have to be made.
- New bursary applications are considered each year for entry the following September with decisions for Years 9 to 12 usually made before Christmas and for Years 7 and 8 by the end of March. It may be possible to give very general indications in advance, but these cannot be taken as assurances.
- Bursary allocations are made after the scholarship assessments are completed so that the committee can make their decisions based on a full knowledge of the applicants.
- Once awarded, each bursary is reviewed on an annual basis and parents are notified of the value of the award for the next academic year.
- Further information about the procedures for the application and award of bursaries can be found in the College’s Bursary Policy and in the Conditions of Award of Bursaries.
To discuss applying for a bursary in more detail, please contact us on admissions@ampleforth.org.uk or call 01439 741081.
Educational Trust Fund links: Educational Grants and Turn2us
Over the years, the support of alumni and friends in funding bursaries at Ampleforth College has made a huge difference to the lives of those who have benefited from them. If you would like to find out how you can help support future generations, please contact Emma Craig, Head of Development, on emma.craig@ampleforth.org.uk or 01439 741 112.
Randag Fellows
Thanks to the generosity of Old Amplefordian Adrian Randag (A54, died 2020) and the Randag Trust, we are able to offer bursary support to some Catholic students joining us in Year 9. Applicants should have siblings, be good all-rounders, and show leadership potential. Randag Bursaries can be considered for students who have been offered a place at Ampleforth College and whose family have been means-tested. Successful candidates are supported from Year 9 to 13 (subject to annual means testing).